From Dirck Benedict Salumbides…
“Its a joint event celebration with SouthPlamo, Gundam Barkadahan Pilipinas and Teambasic groups. The admins prepared a Gunpla Buildoff among the members and an exhibition buildoff for the admins. The admins buildoff will consist of 5 entries with should comply an out of the box rules where no modifications were allowed. My team and I in South Plamo decided to make a theme and base the kits on the Power Ranger color scheme for the 1/100 scaled IBO kits. We made it glossy and bright candytone-like (thanks to Zurc Paints) same as the new look of the power rangers.:
- Red Ranger – Gundam Gusion
- Yellow Ranger – Barbatos Lupus Rex
- Pink Ranger – Barbatos Lupus
- Black Ranger – Kimaris Trooper
- Blue Ranger – Kimaris