Here’s the story behind the Psycho Raiser which was made by Cisya Custom…
The concept of this kit is to have a Heavy Armament Backpack. It was inspired from the backpack of Psycho Zaku from Gundam Thunderbolt. In order to make it, I tried to incorporate several cool elements of Unicorn Banshee in its entirety, such as the psycho frame on its torso, shoulder and knees, then I add some detachable weaponry such as GN Katar, beam rifle and a mega particle cannon.
As for the painting, I used an airbrush and performed gradation method. The paint used was decanted from RJ London spray cans. After painting, I added panel lines by using Tamiya Accent color and also added decals from MG RX-78 and Zoids. Then I topcoated all with dull clear from RJ London.
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