After two months since the announcement of CustoMecha’s Gundam Model Kit Challenge, the moment that we are all waiting for finally arrives! But before I unveil the winners let me introduce first the panel of judges:
- Mr. Gibe Lindayag – the owner/admin of PinoyGundam group in Facebook which is a well-known Gunpla Hobbyists and Collectors group with 5,400+ members. Sir Gibe also has a large gallery/collection of Gunpla model kits of any scale.
- TJ Rivera – aka TR13, founder and webmaster of, he is also a great modeler and mentor. Some of his well known projects are the GK-013 Mugen, ARF Raizen and ABF Kamui
- Anciro Romana – he is one of the sponsors, without him and the other sponsors, this competition wouldn’t be possible
- Abegail Rivera – who wouldn’t know and admire her, she’s our official Gunpla Idol ^_^
- GundamKitsCollection – one of our respected blog/website partners
The entries were judged based on the following criteria: Concept, Customization, Color Scheme and Finish (final output).
Again, let us thank all our sponsors:
And now here are the results…
The Netizens’ Choice Award goes to Mr. Lambert Lukban and his project Sinanju DarkNight.
the Runner up for the Modified / Customized Gunpla Kit Category goes to Mr. Mark Cadiz and his Astray Desert Snow Custom (390 points)
and the winner for the Modified / Customized Gunpla Kit Category goes to Mr. Jan Kevin Nifras and his Gundam Wing Protozero – Fenice Vendetta (409 points)
Congratulations Guys! Here is the complete tally of points.
For the winners, I will contact you via FB chat, SMS or email. Congratulations!