Thanks to Sir Mark Feliciano for letting me feature this project called B.O.T.G- MS-06 ZAKU The Ground War Set “Frostbite”. Also, thanks to him for giving me ALL the details regarding this project, making this more awesome because of the story behind it.
From the modeler…
For the theme of this diorama, I wanted to capture the essence of winter WW2 battle field, so I custom built the HG Zaku to look like that it was created around that era where it has been serving for the whole tour of the war, thus the heavy battle damage. As these Zakus would have been limited in production and 1 or 2 units only serves in a battalion thus this Zaku obtained several battle damage and weathering. The “Allied” or Feddie tanks look more pristine as they are mass produced thus can have fresh units, unlike this Zaku.
Background Story:
It was the winter of 1944, the war was coming to an end and Hitler was getting desperate to defend his standing in the capital as the main Allied forces prepares to invade Berlin with their new Gundam Units.
Meanwhile a few of the Allied forces was garrisoned at a former Nazi staging base, along the borders of Germany and Poland; found themselves in a tight situation, as they attempt to hold their ground to wait for the main Allied force to arrive, with only a handful of weary soldiers and tanks. This area is a critical point for the allied forces as it will be the staging base for the invasion of Berlin from Allied ground forces on the East as the British invade form the West via the sea and the Americans from the South. The loss of this garrison can cost them the success or failure of the invasion.
Will these brave soldiers endure as they fight against the colossal Zakus until the main forces arrive? To Be Continued
-Plaplated the helmet to make it look like a WW2 German helmet
-Added Rivets in the joints
-Added, Step ladder to get into cockpit
-Added, plaplate armour details on shield, arms and legs
-Custom Green LED light for the mono eye and ammo cartridge as the battery case
-Battle damage
-Custom paint metallic grey/ german grey then dry bushed weathering and rusted battle damaged areas
-Minimal Damaged Zeon Decals, carefully selected to signify a Nazi sort of Insignias
-Customized Rifle to look like a WW2 style sub machine gun like the tommy
Tanks, Wappa Scouts and Soldiers:
-Straight metallic paint and weathering
-Decals in appropriate areas while keeping it minimal too
-Painted soldiers proper Feddie and Zeon uniform colours
-Picture frame converted into a base
-Applied textured sheet to appear as street pavement
-Battle damaged house garrisoned by the Feddies
-Custom brick plates applied on the walls of the house
-Battle damaged streets with crates made from paper mache and sand and rocks
-Twigs and rocks as fallen trees and debris
-Lightly sprayed with gloss white in areas and some partsto appear fallen snow.