Participant’s Name: Dinar Firmanda
Project Title: 1/144 Age1 Razor Dragon Momoko Custom
Base Model Kit: 1/144 Age1 Razor Dragon Momoko
Description: (from the modeler)
“… realize it will be better just reformed shape that i don’t like, so using the 1.5 week left use the time to change:
the double jointed thigh, the foot, the shoulder, the back skirt (at first want it to be rotate able, yet ended up being glued accidentally)
the double jointed thigh, the foot, the shoulder, the back skirt (at first want it to be rotate able, yet ended up being glued accidentally)
-Weapons it has 4: 2 shoulder blade<to do cut above shoulders>defense 2 footgun<yes it is joke for handgun he he he> the gun on foot named hospitality<right> and cemetery<left>
-For color not using paint but insulation tape instead, reason for this was color of the tape not to far from the plastic itself so it match in eyes easier “
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