
Participant’s Name: Dinar Firmanda

Project Title: 1/144 Age1 Razor Dragon Momoko Custom

Base Model Kit: 1/144 Age1 Razor Dragon Momoko

Description: (from the modeler)

“… realize it will be better just reformed shape that i don’t like, so using the 1.5 week left use the time to change:
the double jointed thigh, the foot, the shoulder, the back skirt (at first want it to be rotate able, yet ended up being glued accidentally)
-Weapons it has 4: 2 shoulder blade<to do cut above shoulders>defense 2 footgun<yes it is joke for handgun he he he> the gun on foot named hospitality<right> and cemetery<left>
-For color not using paint but insulation tape instead, reason for this was color of the tape not to far from the plastic itself so it match in eyes easier “
color on (2)
color on (3)
color on (1)
color on (4)
More images here… 
can`t hit the ground lol


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