Painting details:
- Innerframe: Gaia Gunmetal + Light Stainless Silver
- Eyes: Gaia Pure White > Gaia Flourescent Green
- Armour parts: Primed with Vallejo Surfacer Black Colors used: Ammo Satin White, Satin Black, Ammo Medium Gunship Gray, Ammo Sinae Gray, Ammo French Blue, Ammo Red, Ammo Rubber & Tire, Vallejo Squid Pink, Vallejo Warlord Purple. Vallejo Metal Color Dark Aluminum Vallejo Metal Color Jet Exhaust.
Painting/ weathering style:
- Zenithal Modulation. Ammo Matt White for highlights Ammo Matt Black for shadows. Academy Oil Zinc White for added highlights. Academy Oil Ivory Black for Panel Washing. Thinned with Ammo Odourless Thinner. Chipping and Sponging with Ammo Matt Aluminum, Chipping and Rubber & Tire
- DigiCamo: French Blue, Matt White and Rubber & Tire
- Streaking effect: Ammo Streaking Grime for Dak Academy Oil Raw Umber Academy Oil Zinc White brushed w/ Winsor and Newton S7 fine brushes.
(Images received via email, details give via FB chat)